Friday, May 13, 2011

d2x cIOS Installer v1

by dragbe, davebaol, xabby666 and XFlak

Official Homebrew to install d2x cIOS v3 and v4-beta maintained by davebaol, xabby666 and XFlak

•Allows to install the cIOS d2x v3 (rev21003) and v4-beta (rev21004).
•IOS bases supported: IOS37 v5662, v4123 IOS38, IOS53 v5662, v5662 IOS55, IOS56 v5661, v5918 IOS57, IOS58 v6175.
•Ability to choose the installation slot.
•Ability to peform online and offline installations.
•Support for Classic Controller (untested), Wiimotes and GameCube controllers.

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