Tuesday, July 6, 2010

SaveGame Manager GX r74 & Forwarder v1

by dj_skual, Giantpune
Install/Extract saved game files. Based on Waninkoko's SaveGame Manager.

* Added ability to select where extract a SaveGame & a Mii (default config path,
browsed path or custom path)
* Added a CustomPath browser to browse through your device, then select or
create the path where you want to extract
* Added a SaveCopy() & a SaveMove() fonctions to copy/move the selected SaveGame
to an other directory
* Added a CopyMii() & a MoveMii() fonctions to copy/move the selected Mii to an
other directory (for now, MoveMii() is not used)

CHANGELOG Forwarder v1
* Added a forwarder sources in branches, you can use it to make some channels

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